The One Where I Threw Shoes [AT mile 0.0-69.2]

Well…not mine, but we’ll get to that. First off, a breakdown of my first week on trail.

The Numbers

Day 1: 5.6 miles on the Approach Trail, 2.8 on the AT to Stover Creek Shelter

Day 2: 14.1 miles to Gooch Gap

Day 3: 9.4 miles to Jarrard Gap

Day 4: 11.9 miles to Hogpen Gap

Day 5: 11.9 miles to Blue Mountain Shelter

Day 6: 15.5 miles to Deep Gap Shelter

Day 7: 4.6 miles to Dick’s Creek Gap

Day 8: Zero at Hostel Around the Bend

Total miles hiked on the AT: 69.2

Day One

My mom, ...

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